Stephanie decided to join the cross country team at school again this year with some of her cute friends. They had been training hard through September getting ready for their first race! Stephanie's school hosted the first meet of the year and it was a crazy WINDY day!

Cousin Hallie also races for her school (our school you cant race until grade 3) so she was all lined up ready for her race! This is such a fun group to watch...so darn cute!!

She ran hard and was having a GREAT time! So cute!

She slowed for a few pictures as she went by....

Finally Steff could line up for her race.

Im not sure how many were racing but we were guessing between 65-75.

Here is the cute cheer section, Paige, Ella and Hallie!

And they're OFF...

We couldnt see most of the race as the course weaves through a park right near the school. But near the finish we spotted a yellow shirt...and as the shirt rounded the corner we saw Steff racing her heart out!

She was BEAMING!!!

Just enjoying the home stretch here....

Coming into the finish line!

Proud Dad...luckily this was the one race he could attend! And it was so worth it to see Steff BEAM!! Way to go Stephanie!!
I didn't know that you loved to run. Great job steff
Wahoo!!! Way to run Steff! I know you'd beat me anyday.
Great job Stephanie!
Steph that is amaaaaazing! I am so proud (and jealous) that you are such a natural athlete...with this and the swimming...do we see triathalons in your future?!?!?!
Good job, Stephanie!!!
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