The start of school always comes before we are quite ready! The girls started school (I accidently erased their first day of school pics..ooops) and it was a crazy busy time getting back into the routine. We had a beautiful weekend and couldnt let it go to waste...so at the last minute a hot dog roast was planned and we headed out our back gate to Fish Creek for an end of summer evening! Oh it was beautiful! Luckily we found friends at the last minute to join us and we had such fun visiting! We are so lucky to have such great friends!!

The kids had fun in the river which was very empty at this time of year. Perfect for an evening dip!

I love it when the kids just take off and explore. I find they do way less exploring than we did as kids...so when it happens it is fun to see!

The gang all gathered!

James found the little wagon that was used to haul the firewood and he LOVED it! I dont think he left the wagon's side the rest of the night!!

Hours of entertainment in a little red wagon!

Georgia was so sweet to take him on many MANY rides!

As soon as the sunset we noticed a huge dip in the temperature...reminding us that winter is not far off. Our long lazy summer nights are coming to an end! What a fun night to enjoy!
That was a great night, and nice to pretend that summer wasn't really over. Why don't we do that more often???
That was so much fun! We should most definatly do that more often!!
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