I had to make an executive decision today! The temperatures are dipping into -40C (-39F) today with a snowfall warning..but still school must go on!! I just dont get it. It is beyond cold, it has been snowing for at least 24 hours, and the roads are terrible. I officially declared a SNOWDAY this morning when they said on the news...'Parents, dress your kids warmly for the bus, frost bite sets in in under 5 minutes in these temperatures!' Ok, is it just me or is there something seriously wrong with that comment? My response...'Parents you are truly insane if you are even considering putting your child on a bus this morning!!'. So I decided to keep the kids at home today and have a snowday!!! We are planning on baking cookies, playing games and watching movies!! I am Canadian..but I have to say...Canadians are truly crazy!!!
Hope everyone is staying warm!!!
(especially all my family in Arizona..specifically the ones who were out waterskiing saturday!)