Friday, August 15, 2008

My new BFF

I finally got my birthday present! It was a little delayed because the IPhone wasnt available in Canada until July 11th. I actually was just looking for an ipod because I found I was always wanting to use Mikes, but he is a little possessive of it. So, Mike went in to get an ipod and decided the iphone would be a great idea! I LOVE IT!! I cant tell you how cool this gadget is....usually technology doesnt excite me too much..but this is just COOL! I love that it is everything all in one! It is my phone, my calendar, Mikes calendar, an ipod, a gps, my email, a camera, weather station, stock market, a notepad to jot down things I most certainly will forget, name can do it ( I can download games and videos also to entertain kids)! I can easily surf the internet and I have already put that to good use on the road...and info is at my fingertips in seconds. It is sooooo user friendly and everything is just touch screen. So easy to use! I highly recommend it if you are in the market for an all in one gadget! My only problem that the girls LOVE it too and have it all figured out!


WOW!! 6 months old already!! That time sure flew by! James had his 6 month check up andhe is tipping the scales at 19lbs (65%ile) and is 28in (90%ile)! He had his shots and did just great. He is up to all kinds of new fun things. I love that when he is awake his feet are up in the air or in his just cracks me up. He is rolling a lot more and even starting to balance while sitting. Every day I test his sitting skills and he seems stronger just overnight. It is amazing how fast they figure things out. He loves his toys and he loves making funny noises. He is getting quite vocal and in church last week he was so happily vocal..but disturbing the whole class. He loves to gurgle..which is also hilarious. He started this new tongue is usually hanging out of his mouth like a hot puppy dog....Im not sure yet if we have a 'Paige tongue' on our hands. We also have been trying out some foods. For the first 2 weeks I felt like everything going in was coming straight back out at me...but just in the last few days...I think he is getting the hang of it...and I feel like he is actually getting some food now! Yesterday he tried bananas and LOVED them! He gobbled almost the whole thing in one sitting and he is just supposed to have a 'tablespoon' at a feeding. He loves to be outside..and looking we have added a lot of outside time to our days...the weather has been so beautiful. So that is what is new with James....we just adore him!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jammin' all day!!!

Im not entirely sure what happened to me today. But I happened by Costco and found some huge delicious looking raspberries! So all of a sudden Im at 3 different grocery stores getting jamming supplies and I end up at home jamming all day! That was so not on my schedule today, but it was great to keep my mind occupied!! Anyhow, the berries were so beautiful and I only had to toss a few out of 24 containers! And now I have tons of freezer jam for the winter! I had picked up a few containers of strawberries too....and those almost turned into jam too...but luckily I contained myself and packed up the jamming supplies for the night.

Emily is Baking!!!!

This year for Emily's Birthday, her Nonna gave her baking lessons! This is the best present ever!! Emily has a constant grin on her face when she is in the kitchen! She has been making Cinnamon rolls and has been told to keep doing it over and over so she gets the hang of working with the dough! We have enjoyed her practicing! Today she had a new lesson...PIES. She came home with a Coconut Cream Pie and a Peach Crisp (her dads favorite dessert)!! They were both sooooo delicious! Tomorrow she gets another lesson....CAKES!! Oooo we cannot wait! She has been writing all her new recipes in her own book! This has been the best thing ever for her and I love having her help in the kitchen!! Thank you NONNA!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mamma Mia

Well Mike started a week of Trauma on I decided it was a good time to go to a chick flick! Ive been wanting to see Mamma Mia since it came out...but just couldnt find the time! I dragged Mike to the play in Miami right before we left and I could hardly stop myself from singing ! I just love ABBA! The movie was good too and I was able to contain myself and did not break out into dancing and singing. I thought they did a good job...although it was quite a different perspective in a movie as opposed to a stage production. I do want to visit where ever it was that it was filmed....Greek Isle maybe? It looked BEAUTIFUL! It was a fun girls getaway and now I need to dig out my Abba music for the next week! Thanks Christy and Amy for coming! Hope you enjoyed!! :)
Ps The funniest thing about the night was the "IAMA10" chick that strutted around after getting out of her huge white cadillac escalade. I still am chuckling to myself. Im very tempted to get a license plate that says "IAMA2.5"

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A perfect evening...

We decided to ignore the multiple bear warning signs and head down the hill for a Hot Dog roast! It was so beautiful!! I love that this is my backyard!! As soon as you are down the hill you feel like you have left the city. The kids had an absolute ball and played in the creek for hours!! We enjoyed the great food and great company!!! Days like this dont come around too often so Im so glad we took advantage. I just didnt want the evening to end. But by 10pm we were out of firewood and it was getting a tad chilly so we packed up and headed out! What a nice evening!!

Bears in our Backyard!!

I headed out for a walk with the kids and as we hit the path into Fish Creek...this sign greeted us!!! This path runs behind our house!! Soooo needless to say I was a little nervous and told the girls to make all the noise they wanted! I was trying to come up with a game plan in case we happened upon a bear. The only plan I could come up with was to send the girls with James and I would fend off the bear!! Luckily, we did not see the guy! Phew! I dont know if I could take on a bear. We did come home and review what to do if you see a bear. We also reviewed what to do if you see a cougar because they have been known to play in our backyard as well. It is interesting that you do opposite things. For a bear, you should not look him in the eye, slowly back away, throw your pack down for him to explore. If he charges you are supposed to fall into the fetal position and play dead. For a cougar you are supposed to make yourself appear as large as possible, stare him down, appear dominant, rant and rave with your arms. So now that we know what to do...we are back playing in our backyard!!

Crazy CRAZY girls!!!