Friday, August 31, 2007

Where are we??????

Any guesses???
We are in the surfing town of Tofino, BC (Vancouver Island...very north of Victoria)!! A zillion surfshops...however...they were very different from Florida surfshops...because half the store was full wetsuits!! Huge clue as to what the water temp was going to be!! I then read that the summer water temp is 12C and the winter is 7C...FREEZING!!! I could barely stand in the water at my ankles and take pictures!!! Way to cold for me....but there were many that ventured in...and to them I take off my hat!! Way to go surfer nuts!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New Baby!!

Fresh off the of the new baby! We have pictures at 10 weeks as well...but these are easier to see! Still hard to believe this baby is busy growing away!! The girls are so excited and dying to know if its a boy or a girl! Maybe next ultrasound at 18 weeks will reveal! Will it be blue or more pink??? We are excited either way. What a miracle!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hot Phoenix!!

The girls and I just got back from 10 days in smoking hot Phoenix!! We had a great time and a huge thank you to everyone for putting up with us for 10 days!! It was so fun to see everyone and we are going into cousin withdrawal! The temps were hot hot hot and we are sufficiently heated through to get us through our next Canadian winter. We ate at all our favorite places and Im missing the good eating already!! Thanks again to everyone for having us for swimming and playing! The girls had a ball and we will miss you all! Till next year....
PS I didnt post a picture because....I didnt take one picture!! Can you believe it? I was on photographer hiatus I guess!