Saturday, November 07, 2009

Big Island of Hawai'i

Mike and I just got back from an amazing trip to the Big Island! A huge thank you to Kristin & Brent,my mom, Blake & Kandyce, and Michelle and all the cousins in Arizona for helping to entertain my kids while we were away. Check out my sister Kristins blog for all their adventures while we were away! The girls had an amazing time...and tho James cant tell us of the fun he had...we KNOW he was thoroughly entertained as well! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
Life has been pretty darn crazy this week (water logged phone, police showing up at my door, new glasses for Steff, failed MRI for Em...etc) getting back into the swing of things....but I will post more from our adventure soon!

Friday, November 06, 2009


Friday was for sure not my favorite started out bad...and just seemed to get worse. Friday morning I was working and James was sitting next to me...and had grabbed one of the cordless phones. I thought nothing of it..he often sits and plays harmlessly having pretend conversations. Then all of a sudden I heard "Hello? Hello?" and immediately grabbed the phone and just hung it up. The phone immediately rang back and I thought someone just saw our number on call display and was wondering why we were calling...but NO...instead I heard ...
"This is 9-1-1 dispatch are you having an emergency??"
UGH!! I quickly explained the situation and that there was no emergency...BUT..they are required to send a squad car with lights and sirens to my house to make sure that every thing is ok...and I had to remain on the line with dispatch till they arrived! So the officer arrived and checked on everyone in the house and yes..we were all ok! I was so mortified!!
And that was the start of my day!!