Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What a difference a year makes....

Ive been doing a lot of reflecting on last year at this time.  It was such a crazy time for us and Im so glad its OVER!! I was so full of anxiety and stress not to mention hormones!!  Last year on Stephanie's birthday she was baptized.  The next day a horrific blizzard was blowing in and we were supposed to move first thing on the 28th.  The 28th was the COLDEST day I think I have ever experienced and I wanted to pull the plug on the move...but no...we went ahead anyway...thanks to so many who came out and helped us get the job done. I cried tears of joy and stress on our way over to take our 10am possession.  I was so grateful to be in the house before the baby came!! Ive been reading back thru my blog from one year ago...and I remember so clearly everything I was feeling.  
Today is our 1 year anniversary of moving in the house!!  We have had a few issues, not to mention the waterfall in my bathroom yesterday, but overall it has been a great experience. We have been slow to develop the basement which has proved to be a blessing in disguise (more water issues). Eventually, the basement will be done, furniture will be in the right location, we can finish off the rooms, hang things on the wall and personalize each space bit by bit, get the yard done, etc. We are not in a rush...these are minor steps along the way that we can look forward to having done. Im so happy with where we are. I love our location. I love seeing out my window the park and the changes of the seasons. I love the privacy. I love how close our school is.  I love so many things about our house that make it functional for our family.  Im so glad we are not moving this year and I dont have to pack boxes...not ONE!! Im so happy to be settling bit by bit. I love to be at home.  Im especially so glad that everything came together relatively smoothly last year....the events happened in the right order and little James arrived healthy and so darn adorable and we were able to bring him HOME!
 We were and still are so so so grateful to so many who helped us thru this time.  
Thank you Thank you!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

James' little friend in the oven....

Ok..trying something new!! We got a little flip video for Christmas. This is my first attempt at sharing a video! This is James and his little friend in the oven!  

Happy 9th Birthday Stephanie!!!


Stephanie was SOOOO excited for her Birthday! She was up EARLY to make the most of the day! She brought cupcakes to her class at school and they wished her happy birthday over the announcements! She BEAMED all day long! We stopped for a special hot chocolate treat on the way home from school and had cupcakes and hotchocolate for after school snack! She had a cooking class to go to so we had to wait and do her presents and cake after her class. She LOVED getting lots of phone calls from family and friends! Thank you for sharing her special day with her!!

Pretty roses for a pretty 9 year old!!!

Blowing out the candles on her cake. She likes only one kind of cake. It is a white cake that her Nonna makes with caramel icing. I try to duplicate...but it just isnt the same. She blew out most of her candles but I think she had 2 boyfriends!!

Stephanie got sooo many cute presents, some games, some summer clothes, decor for her room and her favorite gift was the ipod! OH my!! She was SOOO excited!
Happy 9th Birthday Stephanie! We love you! You are such a sweet girl and so darling with James! You are such a big help to me and I LOVE having you as my daughter!

Baby its COLD outside!!!!

The Rimrock Hotel, Banff Alberta

Bruch at the Banff Springs

We tagged along with Mike to a conference in Banff this weekend. It was SOOOOOO cold!! We went out on Saturday to walk around Banff and grab a bite to eat...but it was so cold we just quickly ate and went back to the hotel. We couldnt be outside for very long at all...even when we were totally bundled up! We did have a nice brunch at the Banff Springs Hotel...which is a beautiful hotel. The girls felt like they were in a midevil castle. When I told them the ballroom was haunted they REALLY wanted to go see the ballroom! LOL!

These are the frozen over Bow Falls. Mike and I got engaged here. I asked the girls if they wanted their picture taken in front of the falls and no one would get out of the van! LOL! I dont blame was COLD!!

So it was a crazy weekend. We swam as much as we could but other than that we played Monopoly and watched movies. The girls LOVED Journey to the center of the earth! Next year hopefully the weather will co-operate. We wanted to ski and go to the ice festival at Lake Louise...but much too COLD for either activity. Did I mention how COLD it was? I dont think Ive warmed up yet!! LOL!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I need a bigger house!!

I love my conversations with Paige! She cracks me up constantly.  So she came into my room last night as I was getting ready to go out. She had just come from walking all thru the house. I thought she had lost something.  She says to me, "When I grow up, I want a big house, a bigger house than this."  I was surprised and explained to her that we thought we had the perfect size house, that we built it to fit our family, that we had a room for everyone, that we should be grateful for the house that we have. She says, "It is a good house for our family, but Im going to have 700 kids!  So I need a bit bigger house!"  I about fell on the floor laughing. 700 KIDS!  Then she goes on to ask me if we get to choose how many kids we have.  I explained that each baby is a gift and so precious and sometimes we can choose but sometimes we cant.  She says, "Well, if I get to choose, Im having 700."  What a sweetie!  So if this holds true, I will be the proud grandmother to at least 700 kids ;)!

Friday, January 16, 2009

This is one amazing story....

I cannot listen to reports of this story without tearing up. This is truly an amazing story. The skill of this think quickly and bring that plane down, avoiding the heavily populated areas, and to keep the plane steady while doing a water landing. Truly Amazing. This story could have been so tragic. It is true, you get on and off the plane, putting your trust in the skill of the pilot. Im amazed that he went up and down the plane twice before getting off himself to make sure everyone was accounted for. The passengers sound like they were amazing too. They must have thought their time was done...who survives a plane crash??? Yet amazingly...when the plane landed..they were civil. They got the handicapped lady and the infant baby and child off the plane first, then the women. They had no idea how fast that plane was going to sink. One man said it was waist deep by the time he got off. What a scare for those passengers. I did have to chuckle at the picture of the passenger standing on the wing of the plane, carrying his briefcase!! LOL! Did he not hear the stewardess say that in the event of an emergency leave all personal belongings on the plane? Anyhow, is anyone as amazed at this story as I am? That water landing could not have been slip and the wing would have hit the water first, tearing the plane to pieces. I would like this pilot on my next flight!! What a hero!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Did I REALLY do this????

I got this new sweater in Denver...I loved the color!! Blue!!  Well the first (and only) time I wore it...James managed to spit up on me.  So I have been doing laundry and had a load of light blues..and WITHOUT even thinking...I tossed in the sweater.  I was shocked when I pulled it out of the wash and it looked like it would fit Paige! It DID fit PAIGE!! ARRRRGHHH! Sure enough..had I read the tag I would have realized the sweater was 100% WOOL and was to be hand washed!!! ARRRRGH!  Well it now fits Paige!  This has definately not been my week.

James is 11 months...OH MY!!!

I just realized I totally missed doing a 10 month post...slacker am I.  And for his 11 month post I cant even get a picture of him. HE IS ON THE MOVE!! Seriously, this morning I thought I better snap a quick picture so I could blog his 11 months...and I tried and tried and tried. I got a cute picture of his waddly butt as he quickly left my vicinity in need of adventure.  He LOVES to move around. He is up the stairs in a flash, he is working on coming down. He is in the toilet in lightening quick movements.  He dabbles on the piano in his spare time.  He fiddles with the remotes trying to upset the girls if they are watching tv. He will pick up and eat...ANYTHING he finds on the floor!  We are all on HIGH alert....all the time. He just giggles and giggles and giggles. He LOVES his sisters.  He squeals with delight when we pick them up from school. Today as I was blogging I showed him a picture of Paige and he SQUEALED!! It is the cutest thing.  On cue he will pattycake, do so big, and wave hello or goodbye. He was playing with Steff's barbie computer and accidently pressed the OFF button. The computer said...Thanks for playing, GOOD BYE and sure enough...right on cue....He waved!  He is our constant entertainment.  He has started doing this breathing IN laugh and will do it back to you if you do it is HILARIOUS! I will try to get it on video.  We all walk around doing the IN laugh so we can hear him do it!  We just started planning his FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY...I cannot even believe it is coming up!! Where did that year go?!?  What a fun one it has been!  We will get the invites out soon, but for those of you in town...the PARTY is Sunday FEB 8th!  
We cannot wait to celebrate the 1st year of his life! 

Sneak Preview......

Seriously considering this....

Im just not sure how it will look on my  I got stuck last night.  I was not happy.  I did not want to be out.  It was snowing, it was cold, I had 4 kids in the car, I have strept throat, I was cranky...and then I got stuck.  I knew it seconds before it happened..and then it happened.  The whole body of my van was lying on that weird slushy messy snow that had turned to ice. My wheels were spinning free with nothing to grip. I couldnt get the car to budge..not even rock. Couldnt even turn my wheels. I tried having Emily press the gas while I pushed..nothing.  NOTHING. I was desperate. I knew I couldnt call Mike...he was up to his eyeballs in operations and would not be done till late (actually 5am) so I was STUCK! I stood there staring at the van...willing it to move out of the snow. I stared at the road hoping to see my dad in his yukon...who LOVES to pull out damsels in distress.  So I stood there...with Emily in the drivers seat and 3 other kids staring back at me.  FINALLY, my good samaratan arrived. I secretly knew, if I stood staring at the van long enough, one had to come.  He had these nifty gadgets that you tuck under the wheels so the wheels have something to grip.  I was thinking it would not work. I was REALLY stuck. did..amazingly it worked GREAT!  I popped right out!!  Oh I was grateful!!!  I left and took the girls to their activity night and went back to thank my good samaratan with a monetary gift!  Now, Im seriously considering getting this plow on the front of my van.  LOL!

Childrens Museum...AKA..Science Center

James at the train station...
WE spent one day at the Denver Childrens Museum. It was so cute. We met up with our good friends Ryan and Melissa and their adorable 3 girls. We knew them in Florida and they just moved to Colorado Springs. It was so fun to see them and catch up!! However, I realized I did not even get a picture! Darn it.  We did go to lunch with them and had some amazing Mexican food! Yummy!!

This was the construction station...very cute! Paige and Mike made a helicopter. 

Kylie was so cute and just watched all the kids having fun! What a sweet baby!

The firestation was a huge hit!!  Firefighter BEN was adorable!

New Years Eve

NEW YEARS EVE was spent again at Casa Bonita. A fun mexican themed restaurant complete with waterfall diving, pinatas, games, etc.  I did not have my camera in tow..but the girls managed to snap a few pictures of the evening. Some of them were too dark (the cliff divers) but most turned out really cute.

This was a self portrait they were trying to take and trying to get all 3 girls in the picture. This one had the most of Emily in it. The other pictures just captured her  The girls were cute running around capturing the evening with their cameras.

This was a treat we need to add every year. Deep Fried Icecream! Oh it was delicious!! Thanks Blake for ordering up a few!  I dont know why we havent splurged on these in the past...but they are definately on the new tradition list!! 
We had a fun night capped off by family games. I was in tears as Blake used his infamous family game word 'penalized'.   Kristin gave me fair warning..he was about to pull it out and sure enough...when the rules were explained...yet again...for the 1000th time...the word came out! Penalized...say it how you means the same thing. 
We just dont like how he pronounces it (PEEEEEENalized) ;). But we are his sisters..and we are mean!!

Skiing In Denver

We had two potential ski days while in Denver.  Mike headed up with the girls on Saturday...and apparently it was COLD!  The girls got all dressed and headed to the ticket booth. By the time they got to the ticket booth all 3 girls were in TEARS!! So grandpa kindly volunteered to bring the girls back and let Mike and Brent enjoy a day of skiing! Well, apparently it was REALLY cold, because Mike and Brent survived one lift and run down and were frozen! Complete with frostbite on their faces.  Mike took off his glove to readjust something and couldnt feel the tips of his fingers for 24 hours. So they bailed and came home.  Mike has never left a hill it must have been cold.  Brent was a TROOPER and vowed not to throw in the towel unless Mike did. We tried again Monday and had a great day! It was so fun to see all the kids cheer each other on down the hill. Paige and Devon were soooo cute.....little mini skiers! It was a fun day and a huge thanks to grandma and auntie Kristin for watching teething James!! I REALLY enjoyed my day skiing. I tried out my new skiis (from last christmas) and I was in a new ski jacket and pants (HUGE thanks to Dan)! I was so warm...even my toes were toasty in my new boots!  Skiing was SOOO enjoyable!!  The skiis are really amazing too! was a fun day!

Cute Chantelle

Heading in for hot chocolate



Holidays in Denver

(Picture by Paige...)
Every other year we get to go to Denver to spend the holidays. This was our first year arriving after Christmas but we were anxious to get there and see the family! The girls were so excited and loved the plane ride. Paige, with her new camera, took about 20 pictures out the plane window. LOL.

Shortly after arriving, we did the cousin gift exchange! Emily was thrilled to open Pajama pants that Kelsey had made for her!! They were so cute and fit perfectly. (She is wearing them to the school pj day tomorrow). Stephanie got a great icecream sandwich maker from Kylie! Such a fun idea!!  Paige got a christmas pillow case from Brooke which she got to enjoy all December. So cute. James got CARS from Devon! Yeah...we love new boy toys!! Thank you for all the fun gifts!

Ben and Paige were good buds. Ben would follow Paige around and she thought it was hilarious!  She loves Ben and misses him so much!

I try to get a picture of the girls in front of the tree every year..but my lens on my camera was frustrating me. So half my pics were blurry.  

Steff in front of the tree. We were getting ready for church that day and she likes to have her hair straightened. So I was busily doing her hair...when she all of sudden says...Mom..I dont feel great...and she melted! I caught her and laid her down.  Scared me!! It was decided she was dehydrated from the altitude and with some rehydration she was back at it!  From then on you could see everyone guzzling the liquids!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas 2008


Christmas was exciting this year as it was the first one in our new home! We were thrilled...FINALLY! We spent Christmas Eve with Mike's family and enjoyed a beautiful meal and a unique nativity pageant (the costumes were awesome). The kids were anxious to get to bed so that Santa would come!!

Mike, unfortunately, had to work Christmas Day so we had to wake up the girls early to get on with Christmas so he could get to work by 8am! We did not, however, wake up James for his first Christmas. He joined us a short while later!

The BEST thing the girls got this year for Christmas....was digital cameras! They have loved them...and I love them having them. They are great little photographers and have captured so much! They take pictures of all the details...that I forget to take pictures of. Grandma was smart and got them each a little scrapbooking kit for all their new pictures!

I worked hard to get all caught up on the girls personal photo books this year. They each get one a year...but I was really behind! So this year they each got 2!! They LOVE these books and love looking thru them. They are really worth the effort to make them for them. My goal is to get more memories in them for the next round...and to stay up to date and not get so far behind. 11 was a little much to make!

After Mike had gone to work, we went over to Dunham's to spend Christmas day. Kathy got the girls the cutest matching sweaters. They looked so sweet all together! I dont know how she ever manages to remember all the sizes....there are a lot of little girls!!

The kids all sang a special song to Nonna and Poppa. They sang...Me'lekamiki maka..a Hawaiian Christmas song. It turned out so sweet and Dan was a great Bing Crosby. The kids are so excited to go to Hawaii together in March and this was a touching kickoff! Mike did make it to Nonna's for Christmas dinner. It was so nice he could pop away for a moment. I hope he doesnt get nailed with too many Christmas's in the future. We really missed him!!

Mike and his new briefcase!

This was one of my favorite gifts...I had these done of James when he was 7 months. What a blessing he has been for us in this past year!!

A HUGE thank you to all our family and friends for wonderful wonderful gifts. We are so blessed by having all of you in our lives!!

Annual Cousin Sleepover

The annual Cousin Sleepover was on Dec 23 this year. It was so fun to have it before Christmas!
It was my turn again to host and we loved having all the cousins over! Mary had found matching pj pants for all of them and they looked so cute all together! Stephanie, the party organizer, had come up with some games to play. We had pizza, lots of snacks and icecream sundaes for dessert. We watched a movie and danced!! We also had the cousin gift exchange....the kids were thrilled with their gifts!

James totally scored! Alex picked out the perfect gifts for him....a HUGE teddy bear, a football, and a hockey stick!! He was so cute playing with them all. He would crawl with the stick in one hand and ball in the other! Thanks Alex! Baby Tyson made it to the sleepover too! We all just googled over him! He is soooo sweet! Katie made him the most adorable baby blanket for the gift exchange! It was so fun to see all the kids sleep by the Christmas Tree. I tortured them by taking pictures of them sleeping, apparently they didnt like that! We are still trying to figure out who the mystery cougher was that night...but I think it will remain a mystery. We look forward to another fun sleepover next year!!!