Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Enjoying Snow Day...

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We had a fun snow day and packed in lots of fun. We did math, wrote stories, baked cookies, colored and watched our favorite christmas movies! When Mike got home he bundled up the girls and took them out to help him shovel! Wow..was it cold!!! What a fun snow day!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

A New Blogger!!

My sister KristinPregnant Smiley has just started her blog!! Welcome to blogging!! I couldnt add her to my links for some reason...but I will keep trying!


Snow Day
I had to make an executive decision today! The temperatures are dipping into -40C (-39F) today with a snowfall warning..but still school must go on!! I just dont get it. It is beyond cold, it has been snowing for at least 24 hours, and the roads are terrible. I officially declared a SNOWDAY this morning when they said on the news...'Parents, dress your kids warmly for the bus, frost bite sets in in under 5 minutes in these temperatures!' Ok, is it just me or is there something seriously wrong with that comment? My response...'Parents you are truly insane if you are even considering putting your child on a bus this morning!!'. So I decided to keep the kids at home today and have a snowday!!! We are planning on baking cookies, playing games and watching movies!! I am Canadian..but I have to say...Canadians are truly crazy!!!
Hope everyone is staying warm!!!
(especially all my family in Arizona..specifically the ones who were out waterskiing saturday!)
Water Skier

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Mystery Shoveler.....

Shoveling Snow
I woke up this morning...just dreading having to shovel our driveway and sidewalks again because we are having below frigid temperatures! So I told the girls I was heading out to shovel and Steffi says, 'Somebody already shovelled!' So we looked out the window, and sure enough, someone had already shovelled! How exciting! The girls caught a glimpse of the mystery shoveller...our only clues are a black truck, a white coat, and earphones.

Thank You


Saturday, November 25, 2006


We are having a bit of a winter wonderland this weekend!

I wasnt sure if my van would register a temperature past 0 F...but tonight I found out that it does!! -5F and dipping lower! And to top it off we have blizzard conditions too! I know all my Florida friends are highly jealous!! I posted this one for our friend Ryan who is dying in the Florida sun & heat!! Enjoy that sun will ya?

We are beyond freezing up here!!!!!



Friday, November 24, 2006


So... I decided to take a random drive by the lot today. Occasionally I drive by to check it out and check on other homes going up in the neighbourhood! What a shock I had when I found a digger there!! I had to double check that this was our lot! I sat and stared and then grabbed my camera! I dont think he appreciated an audience so I didnt stay long! But how excited was I!!! We werent expecting any work to start until the end of January even into February! So what a nice surprise to find progress!! Now I will be driving by a little more frequently...too bad I cant disguise my van!! So the race is on Kristin! My sister and I are having a little bet to see who will be in their new house first! She had a running start..but hit a few complications along the way so we thought it could be close. But when she told me a few weeks ago that theirs had started, I thought we were out of the running for sure..with our start date in late January! Now with a digger on site... the race is back on!!

The extra pictures are for Mike's benefit, he is working the next 4 days straight and may miss this whole stage of the house!
PS: I dont know why that darn sign still says for sale...it is SOLD!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Just wishing all of you who are celebrating and eating turkey today...
Enjoy that turkey!
Nap Turkey

Tuesday, November 21, 2006



Well, Mike is doing the trauma marathon for the next 2 weeks! ( He has 4 nights OFF in the next 14!!! ) And he has seen too many ambulances bringing patients into the trauma bay! He has had quite the selection of patients coming in, 3 young guys in a car accident, 2 skiiers who collided with trees (separate incidences), etc. Unfortunately, he did not have HIS camera, because his wife has pretty much taken it over. But his training in Miami came in handy when on Sunday night there was a shooting downtown. The patient was rushed into the Foothills trauma center at 1130pm with a gunshot wound to the abdomin. Mike was the attending on and cracked open the patients chest in the ER...rushed him up to the OR and continued to work on the patient for 8 hours. Yes, 8 hours! Unfortunately the outcome was not great as his patient died at 730am and thus became the 22 murder victim of the year. Shooter is still at large. Mike worked hard, and thought he was going to pull through, but he just lost way too much blood. Great going Mike! Keep up the great work!

We just love our deer!!!!

Lighting Up...

Xmas Lights
So last weekend....it seems like our whole entire block all of sudden was decorated for Christmas! We were definately the odd balls on the street (especially next to our neighbours...who went all out..and he says he isnt done yet!). The temperatures have been bearable this week with rumors of -20C soon to come, so I had to take matters into my own hands..and we headed for Canadian Tire! Well, how overwhelming was that!! Rows and rows of outdoor Christmas decorations. They have these HUGE snowball things that snow inside...so cool..but it was far too big for our front yard. Everyone seems to love those blowup decorations, but one good snowfall and the thing falls flat! So....after much deliberation and searching, we chose out some cute little deer that even move! (And no one else on the street has them...yet) The girls and I assembled the deer and hung a few lights! I wasnt about to attempt a ladder and roof lights...so we did a few things out front to show our Christmas cheer!
'Tis the season for lights!!!!


Wakka Wakka

Emily had a GREAT appointment with our pediatric opthamologist today! He was the first one to tell us that there was something seriously wrong with Emily (due to her being blind in both eyes) and was going to help us quickly figure out what the cause was. We adore him and look forward to our visits/check ups with him. Who can believe it has been 7 years already! Well he gave us great news when he said that Emilys good eye is seeing 20/20!! We are just thrilled. We will keep wearing the cute glasses as a protective measure, but we are so grateful that the eye has made a complete recovery when we were told that most likely she would remain blind in both eyes! We are so blessed! We have visited with all our doctors in the past month and all are just amazed with Emily. It has been great to reconnect and have them see the results of all their hard work and studying!!