Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Power of a Christmas Carol

Christmas Carolling

Last night I took my 5 sweet activity day girls carolling. We packaged up some goodies and printed off a few favorite Christmas Carols and headed out. We left with a list of some families that we wanted to sing to, our goodies packaged up and a song list in our hands.

This Christmas Season has not been like others for me. I feel myself going thru the motions, putting up the tree, decorating the home, going to the concerts, planning the meals, organizing gifts and doing Christmas Baking. But inside I feel numb. Last night, however, for a brief moment, I felt joy. Watching these sweet girls sing their hearts out, watching the reaction of the recipients at the doorway with tears in their eyes, listening to the sweet words declaring our Saviour is born, for a moment I felt joy. I wish we could carol every night. We had a planned out list...but our list didn't go as planned. Some houses we think we had the wrong address, some houses we were asked to go to from the previous recipient. I felt we were guided to each home last night. At each home we felt the spirit and felt the joy of the carols we were singing. Watching the reaction of the people we were singing to was so enduring. I am so thankful for this moment. I hope I can find a few more moments of joy this christmas season, if just briefly.