Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Paige gets a RASH (Erythema Multiforme)

Paige started breaking out into weird rash Friday night! It was so funny..because it bounced all over her body. It would flair up and then be fine..and then flair up again! She was very itchy!! Sunday she and I stayed home from church so as not to freak out the whole congregation. The rash is not contagious..but very weird looking!!! Dr. Dunham JR and Dr. Dunham SR. both concurred...Erythema Multiforme..classic case!! Paige did not like the Benadryl that we gave her to help control the itch...she would spit it right out at me...but we finally figured out a trick to get her to take it..and it seemed to help with the itch! She is over the worst of it now...just a few spots here and there...that come and go! Steff on Sunday morning woke up and said, 'Mom, I wish I had the rash instead of Paige!' Aww...I nearly burst into tears!! Sweet Steff!!!

BTW-This is not Paige's rash..thank goodness! Just a picture from a dermatology textbook...Im glad I didnt look at the pictures while she had her rash...it can look pretty scary!!!

1 comment:

Christine said...

That looks TERRIBLE! Poor Paige!