Wednesday, October 04, 2006

To Catch You UP!!!!!

SO I have started our blog! This is very exciting!

Let me catch you up on the past few months...

We made the big trek back across the continent to move from Florida back to Calgary! We still have no furniture, still have boxes to unpack, but we are slowly beginning to function normally again. The girls are now settled in school and Paige started Bee Happy School! Mike is up and running as a trauma surgeon/icu specialist and general surgeon (Yeah...finally!!!).

Mike & I took a short trip back to Florida so he could take an ICU board exam. It was great to sit on our favorite beach (South Beach) and catch up with friends! The weather was perfect! It was a fun getaway but we missed having the girls on the beach with us!

We are stocking up quickly on winter things....coats, snowpants, mitts, hats, scarves, boots and any other winter things we will need! I was reading in the school newsletter that the kids are kept outside unless the temp is -20C or below!! Wow ....Canadians are hard core!!! We will see how these little Florida girls do in those temperatures!! Any bets?? Sorry girls....

Well our most exciting news of that we bought our FIRST HOUSE!!!! We are quite excited! We are just working on a design that will fit our family. There are lots of overwhelming decisions...but we are excited to finally have something to call home after 13 years!! Our estimated possession is Aug 2007..but Im guessing more Octoberish. We shall see. We are so excited!!

So that is all the news from the Dunham household!! Keep checking back...

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