Wednesday, October 03, 2007

20 weeks...the countdown begins...

I get these weekly emails from baby center. Each week they tell me how big baby is and what is happening with the baby. Finally I open up today's email and it says are half way to baby!! I feel like I should be nearly done!! For some reason my body is not tolerating pregnancy like it used to. I also got put on 'pelvic rest' this week..due to placenta previa. So now I feel like I have to walk on pins and needles. We are excited to meet this guy and have been working on nursery ideas. We are also discussing names...The girls are constantly trying to name the baby..and we have gone thru all the Harry Potter character names..including Paige's contribution of Voldemort. They are constantly coming up with new and crazy names. Finally yesterday I said...Ok how about if you 3 are not on the 'Name the baby committee.' LOL They werent impressed and are still naming....


Christine said...

Okay that picture just freaks me out! I shudder looking at it. Hmmm guess that is a sign I'm not ready for kids! Congrats on halfway...I guess because we only find out after 3 months it seems like you've hardly been pregnant to us!
Did you notice someone stole my blog address!? I didn't realize that taking it down would put it up for grabs. Oh well...looks like Christine of the new "Brianandchristine" is expecting too! I'll have to start lurking around on her blog just 'cause it used to be mine! LOL

The Amado's est 1996 said...

Really... are you half of your pregnancy? You still have time to think about the baby's name. Do you have a favorite name?