Friday, November 16, 2007

Baby Update....

Okay... I met with my doctor last week and had a detailed ultrasound yesterday. To save myself explaining this I will blog it. At my last ultrasound I was diagnosed with Complete Placenta Previa (CPP) and I was put on pelvic rest and required to restrict activity and relax. Well I found that was virtually impossible with 3 little girls so all it did was cause me to feel guilt along with more stress. Anyhow, we were quite anxious for this ultrasound at 26 weeks as my doctor told me last week if the previa hadnt resolved that she would put me on home bedrest. Again, not a great option going into a busy holiday season and trying to finish a house. So I was a basket case (fragile) to say the least. My apologies to Mike. My ultrasound was long and detailed and they determined that the placenta has moved slightly with my growing uterus I am now considered a 'marginal' previa (border line partial...the placenta is ever so slightly over the cervix). So this is good news....but not great news. It has to move 2 cm away from the cervix in order to lose restrictions and have a normal birth. Baby is in a breech position right now and sitting right on the placenta. Crazy boy. So my restrictions remain as there is still a huge risk for bleeding...I will meet with my doctor again on Tuesday to further discuss bedrest ( I hope she will accept a plea deal to restrict my activities but not lay me out in bed). I also have a followup ultrasound in 3 weeks to check on the placenta again. So, Im sure that is more than you ever wanted to know about pregnancy and placentas. I definately have taken my previous pregnancies for granted that things went so smoothly. But on a positive is growing perfectly....and is as active as ever!! Cant wait to meet him!! And names yet...all my suggestions are quickly denied. This is nothing new...Mike has named all the kids so far. Im sure we will wait till the 11th hour and be forced to write a name on the paper before we are released from the hospital.
Special thanks to Alex who has volunteered to skip school and move to Calgary to help take care of me if I have to go on bedrest. Complete with a bell...just ring and he will come! And for Christy volunteering to make all my meals for my family and do all my shopping! Hmmm..maybe I should rethink this bedrest thing! LOL

1 comment:

Christine said...

Hey Lisa!
We were thinking of you yesterday...hope that you got GOOD news!!
Let us know, hope you are not blogging from bed!