Thursday, February 14, 2008


James Michael Dunham!!

Finally, we decided on a name! I know..pretty lame that we cant decide after knowing for so long that we were having a boy. But the birth was pretty dramatic and we werent in any condition to make such a huge decision. We needed time to calm down and get to know this little guy. He was known in the hospital as trouble maker, mr. noname and buddy. We brought him home yesterday and we are thrilled to be together as a family again. Thank you for all the help that we have had watching the girls over the past week! It was so nice to not have to worry about them. They are just thrilled with little James and so happy to have him home. Paige loves his little nose and his little clothes. Steff loves that he is so good and CUTE. Emily loves to just hold and watch him. Mike and I love that he is finally here safe and sound. We already cant imagine not having him in our family.


The Amado's est 1996 said...

Cute name, cute baby! James, you have a pretty family.... welcome!

Christine said...

I love him! What a wonderful name for him too. GREAT choice! Can't wait to see you guys.

brittnermimi said... the name! The song that comes to mind when hearing his name is "sweet baby James" by James Taylor. Can't wait for our chance to see him and hold him...July can't come soon enough!!! Lots of love from Arizona!
Love Michelle

Tuckers4 said...

Great name! He's too cute! Looks like a "mini Mike" in this picture.. such an intent look on his sweet little face. Congrats again! Glad you are home and feeling better and you can all be together.

The Taylor Family said...

Oh my gosh he is so cute! I am so glad he is here and that you guys are home. Isnt it so nice to finally be at home with the whole family! James is such a cute name!

MaryandDan said...

Lisa - he is just adorable! Oh, how fun! We have been thinking about you guys and wishing you were with us. Can't wait to hold him and love him! What a cute baby and handsome name! Love you,