Thursday, March 20, 2008

Oh NO...its Diaper Time!!!

This is the face I get everytime it is diaper changing time! James does NOT like to be changed...and whoever is changing, races to get the diaper back on so the crying will stop. So I thought I would share that face with you....we will call it...'OH NO...its DIAPER TIME'! Other than diaper time...James is a trooper. He is such a snuggler! We all just fight to snuggle him! He is by far our best baby! Sorry girls...I speak the truth! He went for his almost 6 week appt today and was just over 10lbs and 22.5 inches. It seems everytime I blink he looks bigger! He was so good at his appointment. I have found doctors appointments so stressful in the past because baby fights the exam..but he just kicked back and relaxed the whole time! It was a pleasant experience....besides the fact that while being weighed he peed on the nurse....ooops sorry about that! The new fun experiences of having a boy!

1 comment:

The Amado's est 1996 said...

I am glad he is a good baby... he looks so cute!