Wednesday, April 16, 2008


James has been smiling for about 2 weeks is just hard to catch on camera!! We LOVE his smiles and he has even started laughing. He also tries to talk to us..with little coos and bubbles. Sometimes Ill set him down and peek at him and he will just be kicking and smiling away! He had his 2 month shots and is growing so fast!! He is tipping the scales at 12 lbs and is 23.5 inches. He is sleeping great at night with the normal night consisting of one feeding!! That just thrills me!! What a sweetie!


Katie said...

Wow he is so adorable and he has perfect skin! If my kids are half as good-looking as yours, I'll be quite content!

The Amado's est 1996 said...

He looks so big and cute in that picture! I am glad you were able to took that picture... good memories...

Tuckers4 said...

Soooo cute!!! What a great smile! Hope we get to meet him someday and see that handsome smile in person.