Friday, February 06, 2009

ROTTEN ICE!!!! is REALLY treachorous outside! We have had SOOOO much snow this is piled up. In the last couple of weeks, we have had warm days to melt the snow into ICE...everywhere!
Our roads are like driving on a rollercoaster and hoping not to get stuck in an ice/slush mess.

Well the school yard is a complete ice skating rink and every day the girls have stories of kids who have fallen and gotten hurt. Well my turn was on Wednesday. I was busily going thru my day when I get a call from the school.
Mrs. Dunham, Emily was out on the school ground and had a bad fall on the ice. (This is the moment that I hold my breath) She seems to be ok, but is pretty upset. She had a substantial nose bleed. We have just gotten the nose to stop bleeding. We do not think it is broken. (PHEW). Could you come and pick her up??
So I grab James and race to the school. Emily is quite upset, her whole snowsuit and gloves are full of blood. We quickly gather her things and head for home. We talk about the situation and how scary it was, but everything is fine. (Apparently she fell flat on her nose, we are lucky we do not have a broken nose or glasses!!) She rests for the afternoon and we do some major laundry. She is now sporting a larger than normal nose which is very tender and scraped up. It could have been much we are counting our blessings. I just want all this snow/ice/mess to melt and go away. It is ugly and causing problems...especially on the school ground! I just hope my girls stay off the ice and that I dont get any more 'Mrs. Dunham' phone calls!!


Kristin said...

hmm this brings memories of you falling on the ice getting into the car... or was that falling off the roof sneaking out too meet mike ;) hahaha! JK! Glad emmy wasn't hurt too badly!!!

legally blonde said...

That is too bad!! But at least she's okay!!! :)
I can't wait for spring too!!

The Amado's est 1996 said...

I am glad to hear that Emily is ok. We are going to send some heat from Houston to Calgary so the snow/ice can melt :)