Sunday, March 28, 2010

Waimea Bay Beach

Waimea Bay Beach

Waimea Bay is one of our favorite beaches on the north shore. The water is so beautiful and the waves are so fun to play in! One day we stayed a full 8 hours on this beach! What a fantastic day...tho some were sporting sun burns after 8 hours in the Hawaiian sun! Oh it is so fun!

The water is soo soo nice. We played for hours and hours in the waves. It is amazing how the waves change...there will be a nice lull and then a series of huge huge waves! We laughed and laughed. I think it will take me months to get the sand out of my ears and hair! So fun

Emily on Waimea Beach

Zoe and Stephanie

The camp...

Paige on Waimea

Cute cousins catching some sun rays!

James living the life...watching the action..sipping a soda! Life is great when you are 2!!

Hallie and Paige shared millions of giggles! Id love to be a crab in the sand listening to these 2 all day long! So fun!

Katie and Stephanie heading out for more wave fun!

Somebody getting washed up in the waves! After a wave we would have to count heads and make sure everyone came up!

Alex trying out some boogie boarding!

1 comment:

Emma said...

That is one tall palm tree!!!