Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!!

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! The girls are all off at their various Halloween activities! It is the day they all cant wait for. The other day we were driving and the girls said, 'Can you even imagine if you were sick on Halloween? That would be the worst thing ever!!' Then I explained that not all parts of the world celebrate Halloween...they thought about that for a moment and said, 'Those kids are so unlucky!!!' Halloween is soooo exciting! It is freezing here today so we are going to head to the mall after school to trick or treat! Then we will come home and pass out treats! I told Emily and Stephanie they could trick or treat up and down our street by themselves! They were SOOOOO excited! Independance and freedom!! They can hardly wait! It is cold tho...we will see if they make it!!! Happy Halloween!!!!

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