Thursday, April 03, 2008

Peek a BOO!!

It just cracks me up everytime we are getting ready to head out the door. Ill get James in his seat all bundled up. Then I rush around getting everyone ready and come back and just see these little eyes peeping cute! He is so patient while the rest of us try to get organized and out the door. Luckily he loves his car seat because he is in it ALL the time now that Im driving the girls 3 times a day! He was so good on our trip to Montana...not a peep! We are so lucky to have such a patient little guy!!


Kristin said...

Love all the posts!!! Baby J is getting so big... that pic in the car seat is sooo cute!! I miss snuggling him!

legally blonde said...

He is SOOOO cute!!!!! I can't wait to see him!! You're lucky that he is such a happy baby!