Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bruce and Kara get MARRIED!!

Saturday March 21, Oahu Hawaii
Bruce and Kara

The girls were SOOOO excited for Bruce and Kara to get married! They could not wait to see her dress and see her walk down the aisle!

Kara walked down this beautiful lane lit by tiki torches and surrounded by water...it was beautiful.

Unfortunately it was a tough day for James to endure and during and after the ceremony he was requiring much attention...so I didnt get too many pictures afterwards.  Kara and Bruce looked so excited and thrilled with each other!

Bruce and Kara and most of the kids

Mike and Emily

Bruce just before getting married



Paige walking James before the wedding began

The girls and I

Family shot...not great..James was restless

Stephanie getting ready

All the cousins...we were just missing sweet little Claire!

1 comment:

Marissa. said...

okay, i must say GREAT pictures! i love the picture of emily and mike... also i love that one of steph getting ready! they are AMAZING! good job!