Friday, August 15, 2008


WOW!! 6 months old already!! That time sure flew by! James had his 6 month check up andhe is tipping the scales at 19lbs (65%ile) and is 28in (90%ile)! He had his shots and did just great. He is up to all kinds of new fun things. I love that when he is awake his feet are up in the air or in his just cracks me up. He is rolling a lot more and even starting to balance while sitting. Every day I test his sitting skills and he seems stronger just overnight. It is amazing how fast they figure things out. He loves his toys and he loves making funny noises. He is getting quite vocal and in church last week he was so happily vocal..but disturbing the whole class. He loves to gurgle..which is also hilarious. He started this new tongue is usually hanging out of his mouth like a hot puppy dog....Im not sure yet if we have a 'Paige tongue' on our hands. We also have been trying out some foods. For the first 2 weeks I felt like everything going in was coming straight back out at me...but just in the last few days...I think he is getting the hang of it...and I feel like he is actually getting some food now! Yesterday he tried bananas and LOVED them! He gobbled almost the whole thing in one sitting and he is just supposed to have a 'tablespoon' at a feeding. He loves to be outside..and looking we have added a lot of outside time to our days...the weather has been so beautiful. So that is what is new with James....we just adore him!!


Kristin said...

aww he looks so old in his highchair!!! What a cutie.. hes going to be crawling around before you know it!!

Delaine said...

so cute man time does fly. he looks like mike

Kevin, Wendy, Ambria & Kylie said...

I cant believe he is 6 months old already! We cant wait to see you guys next month! :)

The Amado's est 1996 said...

The time has gone by to quickly... James continues to grow so handsome and smiling. Thanks for posting pictures and for letting us now how is doing.

legally blonde said...

Happy Birthday James!!!!!
He is SOOOO cute!!!!! Are you sure he's not for sale? lol